Whenever you speak to people, the goals you are attempting to achieve are to verbally express your thoughts and ideas, satisfy the listener or audience, and get rewards from the process.
Questions you may have are:
How do you effectively express your ideas?
How can you be assured of satisfying the audience?
What rewards can be gotten from speaking?
This lesson will try to answer those questions. There is a mini-quiz near the end of the lesson.
Expressing your ideas
A major motivation in speaking to a group--or anyone for that matter--is to express your ideas. In some cases, people may actually ask you to express your thoughts on a certain subject.
Sometimes difficult
It is sometimes difficult to verbally express what you are thinking to other people. Those without the "gift of gab" may have trouble putting their thoughts into words or may even fear speaking to others or to a group. Even professional speakers occasionally come down with the jitters before giving a speech.
Organize your thoughts
You should organize your thoughts before speaking to a group or on a one-to-one basis with a superior. Try to keep things down to three major points. Some people can organize what they plan to say in their heads, while most need to write things down.
There are some techniques to facilitate the verbal expression of your thoughts, such as writing and public speaking methods. (See lessons in Verbally express yourself for more information.)
Provide listener satisfaction
Speaking is a communication process. If the listener or audience does not understand or enjoy what you are saying, you have not achieved a major goal of the process.
Important factors to remember in obtaining listener satisfaction are:
Speak with confidence,
Speak with clarity, and
Get the audience to participate.
(See lessons in Satisfy the audience for more information.)
Get rewardsYou want to get some sort of reward for the work you have done. This may be self-satisfaction, applause from the audience, or financial gain.
Satisfaction comes from achieving your own goals and feeling that you did a good job. That is completely up to you. Don't set your expectations so high that you are never satisfied with your performance.
If you do a good job, you may get applause from the audience. Sometimes you have to set them up or even prompt them to applaud.
In school
Being able to speak well in school helps you communicate better in presentations and to the teacher and classmates. This ultimately leads to better grades.
At workSpeaking well at work in presentations, at meetings or simply in personal interactions will create a better impression of your competence and result in raises and promotions.
Some speakers are good enough to charge money for their skills. At the local level, a speaker may receive $25 to speak to a Kiwanis Club. At the top end, celebrity speakers can receive $100,000 for a half-hour speech.
Professional speakers fall into three categories: those that have a good message, those that are entertaining or eloquent speakers, and those who are famous or celebrities. The famous speakers are the ones that get paid the most for their presence and words.
In conclusion
A successful speaker achieves the goals of expression, listener satisfaction and desired rewards. You should be aware of your goals as you pursue success in speaking.
Questions you may have are:
How do you effectively express your ideas?
How can you be assured of satisfying the audience?
What rewards can be gotten from speaking?
This lesson will try to answer those questions. There is a mini-quiz near the end of the lesson.
Expressing your ideas
A major motivation in speaking to a group--or anyone for that matter--is to express your ideas. In some cases, people may actually ask you to express your thoughts on a certain subject.
Sometimes difficult
It is sometimes difficult to verbally express what you are thinking to other people. Those without the "gift of gab" may have trouble putting their thoughts into words or may even fear speaking to others or to a group. Even professional speakers occasionally come down with the jitters before giving a speech.
Organize your thoughts
You should organize your thoughts before speaking to a group or on a one-to-one basis with a superior. Try to keep things down to three major points. Some people can organize what they plan to say in their heads, while most need to write things down.
There are some techniques to facilitate the verbal expression of your thoughts, such as writing and public speaking methods. (See lessons in Verbally express yourself for more information.)
Provide listener satisfaction
Speaking is a communication process. If the listener or audience does not understand or enjoy what you are saying, you have not achieved a major goal of the process.
Important factors to remember in obtaining listener satisfaction are:
Speak with confidence,
Speak with clarity, and
Get the audience to participate.
(See lessons in Satisfy the audience for more information.)
Get rewardsYou want to get some sort of reward for the work you have done. This may be self-satisfaction, applause from the audience, or financial gain.
Satisfaction comes from achieving your own goals and feeling that you did a good job. That is completely up to you. Don't set your expectations so high that you are never satisfied with your performance.
If you do a good job, you may get applause from the audience. Sometimes you have to set them up or even prompt them to applaud.
In school
Being able to speak well in school helps you communicate better in presentations and to the teacher and classmates. This ultimately leads to better grades.
At workSpeaking well at work in presentations, at meetings or simply in personal interactions will create a better impression of your competence and result in raises and promotions.
Some speakers are good enough to charge money for their skills. At the local level, a speaker may receive $25 to speak to a Kiwanis Club. At the top end, celebrity speakers can receive $100,000 for a half-hour speech.
Professional speakers fall into three categories: those that have a good message, those that are entertaining or eloquent speakers, and those who are famous or celebrities. The famous speakers are the ones that get paid the most for their presence and words.
In conclusion
A successful speaker achieves the goals of expression, listener satisfaction and desired rewards. You should be aware of your goals as you pursue success in speaking.